Based in Barcelona, the Anaweh Studio is a partnership between DJ/Producers ANNA and Wehbba. We especialize in electronic music production, consulting, performance and sound engineering. ANNA and Wehbba are established artists within the international electronic music circle, with over 15 years of experience, and regulars at most of the world’s main clubs and events. Anaweh Studio is located at the Poblenou area in Barcelona, and is equipped with post production and recording facilities for many different applications.


Gear List

Ableton Push 2
Access Virus TI
Adam A77X (2x)
Akai Force
Akai MPC Live
Alesis Microlimiter
Alesis Microverb I
Alesis Microverb II
Alesis Midiverb II
Alesis Quadraverb
Allen & Heat Xone 92 
Antelope Audio Edge Duo Microphone
Antelope Audio Verge Microphone (3x)
Antelope Goliath HD
Arturia Microbrute
Arturia Microfreak
Audeze LCD-X
Audient ASP880
Audio Technica AT4033
Audio Technica ATH-M50x
Behringer TD-3
Boss BX-80
Boss DD-7
Boss DR-110
Dave Smith Instruments Tetr4

Dave Smith Instruments/Sequential Prophet 6
Electro-Harmonic Crayon 69
Elektron Analog Rytm
Elektron Octatrack
Empress Zoia
Epiphone Hummingbird Pro
252HP Eurorack Modular System
Eventide H9 Max
Focal Spirit
Gretsch G5230T Electromatic
Ik Multimiedia iRig Stream
iMac 27”  
Kawai PHm
Korg Monotron Duo
Korg Volca Bass
Korg Volca Kick
Mackie Control Universal Pro
Moog One
Moog Sub37
Neutrik NYS-SPP-L1
Oberheim Matrix-6R
Pioneer PLX 1000 (2x)
Pioneer Toraiz SP-16

Pioneer Toraiz Squid
PlayDifferently Model 1
Roland D-05
Roland SE-02
Roland SH-01A
Roland Super Jupiter MKS-80
Roland Super Jupiter Programmer
Roland TR-08
Roland TR8
Roland TR8S
Samson S-Patch Plus (2x)
Shure Beta 57a
Stereoping Synth Controller 1016r
Tech21 Sansamp
Teenage Engineering PO-35 Speak
Ultrasone DJ-Pro
Universal Audio UAD Satellite Octo Thunderbolt DSP processor
Vermona Retroverb
Warm Audio WA76
Yamaha DX27
Yamaha REX-50 - 60
Zoom H6